Thanet, Isle of

Thanet, Isle of

Thanet, Isle of (spr. ail of thännet), Name des nordöstlichsten Teiles der engl. Grafschaft Kent, der bis etwa 1500 durch einen Meeresarm, den Wantsome, vom Festlande getrennt war. Er ist 106 qkm groß, und in ihm liegen die Seebadeorte Margate und Ramsgate; auf der Nordostspitze steht ein Leuchtturm. 1905–1909.

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  • Thanet, Isle of — ▪ island, England, United Kingdom       island in the northeastern corner of the administrative and historic county of Kent, England, bounded by the Thames Estuary and two branches of the Great Stour River. It is 42 square miles (109 square km)… …   Universalium

  • Thanet,Isle of — Than·et (thănʹĭt), Isle of A peninsula of southeast England on the North Sea separated from the mainland by arms of the Stour River. * * * …   Universalium

  • Thanet, Isle of — geographical name tract of land SE England in NE Kent cut off from mainland by arms of Stour River area 42 square miles (109 square kilometers) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • THANET, ISLE OF —    (58), forms the NE. corner of Kent, from the mainland of which it is separated by the Stour and the rivulet Nethergong; on its shores, washed by the North Sea, stand the popular watering places, Ramsgate, Margate, and Broadstairs; the north… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Thanet — /than it/, n. 1. Octave /ok tiv, tayv/, pen name of Alice French. 2. Isle of, an island in SE England, forming the NE tip of Kent county. 42 sq. mi. (109 sq. km). * * * ▪ district, England, United Kingdom       district, administrative and… …   Universalium

  • Isle of Thanet — Historische Karte, die den ehemaligen Wantsum Channel vor der Insel Thanet (ganz im Osten) zur Zeit der Ankunft der Angelsachsen in Britannien darstellt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Thanet — is a local government district of Kent, England [ [ Thanet District website] ] which was formed under the Local Government Act 1972, and came into being on 1 April 1974. The Isle of Thanet makes up the major part of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Thanet College — is a further education college located on the Isle of Thanet in Broadstairs, Kent on the southeast coast of the United Kingdom.The main campus is located on Ramsgate Road, Broadstairs. Plans however are to relocate the college into purpose built… …   Wikipedia

  • Thanet East (UK Parliament constituency) — Thanet East was a British parliamentary constituency in the Isle of Thanet, in Kent.It was created for the February 1974 general election, and returned one Member of Parliament to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.It… …   Wikipedia

  • Thanet West (UK Parliament constituency) — Thanet West was a British parliamentary constituency in the Isle of Thanet, in Kent.It was created for the February 1974 general election, and returned one Member of Parliament to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.It… …   Wikipedia

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