Os. Schm.

Os. Schm.

Os. Schm., bei Tiernamen Abkürzung für Oskar Schmidt (s. d.).

http://www.zeno.org/Meyers-1905. 1905–1909.

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  • schm- — or shm prefix Etymology: Yiddish shm used to form a rhyming term of derision by replacing the initial consonant or consonant cluster of a word or by preceding the initial vowel < fancy, schmancy, I prefer plain > < Godfather shmodfather enough… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • schm- — Australian Slang (pref.) substituted for the beginning of consonants of a specific word when forming a reduplicative pair, and used to reject or deny the importance of that word: I can t come I m too old. Old, schmold! You can t get out of it… …   English dialects glossary

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  • schm- — a prefix placed before the adopted reduplication of a significant word to express scornful derision: A big prize? Prize schmize. Also, shm …  

  • schm- — prefix or shm shm Etymology: Yiddish shm used to form a rhyming term of derision by preceding the initial vowel or by replacing the initial consonant or consonant cluster urban, schmurban Economist fancy …   Useful english dictionary

  • Liste der Biografien/Schm — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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