

Nucleŏlus, Kernkörper, s. Zelle. 1905–1909.

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  • Nucleolus — (Plur. Nucleoli), Kernkörperchen, im Karyoplasma des Zellkerns liegender, dichter Bezirk, meist doppelt, zellspezifisch aber auch einfach oder mehrfach vorhanden; enthält ca. 80% Proteine (keine Histone), DNA und RNA; synthetisiert und speichert… …   Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie

  • nucleolus — (n.) 1845, from L. nucleolus, lit. a little nut, dim. of nucleus (see NUCLEUS (Cf. nucleus)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Nucleolus — Nu*cle o*lus, n.; pl. {Nucleoli}. [L., a little nut, dim. of nucleus.] 1. A little nucleus. [1913 Webster] 2. (Biol.) A small rounded body contained in the nucleus of a cell or a protozoan. [1913 Webster] Note: It was termed by Agassiz the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nucleolus — nucleolus. См. ядрышко. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Nucleolus — vgl. Nukleolus …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • nucleolus — [no͞o′klē ōl΄, nyo͞o′klē ōl΄no͞o klē′ə ləs, nyo͞oklē′ə ləs] n. pl. nucleoli [no͞o klē′əlī΄, nyo͞oklē′əlī΄] [ModL < LL, dim. of L nucleus] a conspicuous, usually spherical, dense body in the nucleus of most cells, consisting of protein and RNA …   English World dictionary

  • Nucleolus — The nucleolus is contained within the cell nucleus …   Wikipedia

  • Nucleolus — Übergeordnet Zellkern Karyoplasma Untergeordnet Ribosomale DNA Pars granulo …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • nucleolus — 1. A small rounded mass within the cell nucleus where ribonucleoprotein is produced; it is usually single, but there may be several accessory nucleoli besides the principal one. The n. is composed of a meshwork (nucleolonema) of microfilaments… …   Medical dictionary

  • nucleolus — noun (plural nucleoli) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, diminutive of nucleus Date: 1845 a spherical body of the nucleus of most eukaryotes that becomes enlarged during protein synthesis, is associated with a nucleolus organizer, and contains… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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