Flaming — may refer to: * Anything set aflame or on fire * Flaming (Internet), the act of posting deliberately hostile messages on the Internet * Fläming, a region in Germany * Flaming, is a potentially pejorative adjective for a gay man whose behavior is… … Wikipedia
Flaming — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término flaming puede referirse a: Flamer, mensaje insultante o provocador mandado por Internet. Flaming, canción del grupo británico Pink Floyd. Obtenido de Flaming Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación … Wikipedia Español
Flaming — Flam ing, a. 1. Emitting flames; afire; blazing; consuming; illuminating. [1913 Webster] 2. Of the color of flame; high colored; brilliant; dazzling. In flaming yellow bright. Prior. [1913 Webster] 3. Ardent; passionate; burning with zeal;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flaming — [adj1] burning ablaze, afire, aflame, alight, blazing, brilliant, conflagrant, fiery, flaring, glowing, ignited, in flames, raging, red, red hot*; concept 485 flaming [adj2] very angry, vehement ardent, aroused, blazing, bright, burning, fervent … New thesaurus
flaming — ► ADJECTIVE 1) emitting flames. 2) very hot. 3) of a brilliant orange red colour. 4) (especially of an argument) passionate. 5) informal expressing annoyance: that flaming dog … English terms dictionary
flaming — [flām′iŋ] adj. 1. burning with flames; blazing 2. like a flame in brilliance or heat [flaming colors] 3. intensely emotional; ardent; passionate 4. startling or flagrant flamingly adv … English World dictionary
Fläming — Fläming, Höhenrücken an der Grenze der preuß. Prov. Brandenburg und Sachsen, Wasserscheide zwischen Elbe und Havel, im Hagelberg bei Belzig 201 m hoch … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
flaming — index hot blooded, intense Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
flaming — FLAMÍNG s.m. v. flamingo. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
flaming — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mż IIa {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} duży ptak brodzący o różowobiałym upierzeniu, mający bardzo długie nogi, mocno zakrzywiony dziób; zamieszkuje rejony wokół słonawych jezior; czerwonak <port.> {{/stl 7}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień