Religious Toleration — Religious Toleration † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Religious Toleration Toleration in general signifies patient forbearance in the presence of an evil which one is unable or unwilling to prevent. By religious toleration is understood the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Nikolaus Nilles — (21 June 1828–31 January 1907) was a Roman Catholic writer and teacher. Nikolaus Nilles. life He was born into a wealthy peasant family of Rippweiler, Luxembourg. After completing his gymnasium studies brilliantly, he went to Rome where from 1847 … Wikipedia
Schools — • History and development of education as related to the church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Schools Schools † … Catholic encyclopedia
Nikolaus Nilles — Nikolaus Nilles † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Nikolaus Nilles Born 21 June, 1828, of a wealthy peasant family of Rippweiler, Luxemburg; died 31 January, 1907. After completing his gymnasium studies brilliantly, he went to Rome where from… … Catholic encyclopedia
VECTIGAL — proprie quod pro vectura penditur, a vehendo. Namque a Tributis Vectigalia in hoc difterunt, quod illa ratione soli possessores pendant; Ista negotiantes, propter usum viae publicae: quae adeo necessaria Cicero iudicat, ut sine iis Imperium… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale