Bellye — (spr. Bellje), 1) Herrschaft im österreichischen Kreise Baranya des Verwaltungsgebiets Ödenburg (Ungarn), 15 QM., 30,000 Ew., meist flach; Flüsse: Donau, Drau u. Karaschitza; bringt Mein (Villaner), Getreide, Gemüse, Wildpret. B. war früher… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Bellye — (spr. bellje), Kleingemeinde im ungar. Komitat Baránya, (1900) 1210 E., Hauptort der Herrschaft B. (826 qkm) des Erzherzogs Friedrich … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Беллье — (Bellye) деревня в венгерском комитате Бараньи, на р. Моравице, с 1300 жит., немцев и мадьяр, наполовину католиков и наполовину протестантов (реформатского исповед.), имеет дворец, построенный принцем Евгением Савойским. У Б. находится большое… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Bellay — Recorded in many forms including Belle, Bellay, Bellee, Beller, Bellie, Belly, Bellye, and the very rare and possibly extinct Bellyman this is a surname of conectural English origins. It is almost certainly ultimately of early French origin from… … Surnames reference
Belle — Recorded in many forms including Belle, Bellay, Bellee, Beller, Bellie, Belly, Bellye, and the very rare and possibly extinct Bellyman this is a surname of conectural English origins. It is almost certainly ultimately of early French origin from… … Surnames reference
Bellee — Recorded in many forms including Belle, Bellay, Bellee, Beller, Bellie, Belly, Bellye, and the very rare and possibly extinct Bellyman this is a surname of conectural English origins. It is almost certainly ultimately of early French origin from… … Surnames reference
Beller — Recorded in many forms including Belle, Bellay, Bellee, Beller, Bellie, Belly, Bellye, and the very rare and possibly extinct Bellyman this is a surname of conectural English origins. It is almost certainly ultimately of early French origin from… … Surnames reference
Bellie — Recorded in many forms including Belle, Bellay, Bellee, Beller, Bellie, Belly, Bellye, and the very rare and possibly extinct Bellyman this is a surname of conectural English origins. It is almost certainly ultimately of early French origin from… … Surnames reference
Belly — Recorded in many forms including Belle, Bellay, Bellee, Beller, Bellie, Belly, Bellye, and the very rare and possibly extinct Bellyman this is a surname of conectural English origins. It is almost certainly ultimately of early French origin from… … Surnames reference
Bilje — (in Croatian) or Bellye (in Hungarian) is a village and municipality on the outskirts of nature park Kopački Rit in the region of Baranja, Osijek Baranja County, Croatia, situated 8 km northeast of Osijek.NameIts name derived from the Slavic word … Wikipedia