San Juan Mountains

San Juan Mountains

San Juan Mountains (spr. ßänn dschūĕn mauntins), trachytischer Gebirgszug im SW. des nordamerikan. Staates Colorado, reich an edeln Metallen, im Mount Wilson 4353, im Uncompaghre Peak 4339 m hoch. 1905–1909.

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  • San Juan Mountains — Range San Juan Mountains, looking northeast from Mt. Wilson …   Wikipedia

  • San Juan Mountains — range of the Rocky Mountains in SW Colo. & N N.Mex.: highest peaks, over 14,000 ft (4,267 m) …   English World dictionary

  • San Juan Mountains — Sp Sán Chuãno kalna Ap San Juan Mountains L Uolinių kk. dalis, JAV (Koloradas, N. Meksika) …   Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

  • San Juan Mountains — San′ Juan′ Moun′tains n. pl. geg a mountain range in SW Colorado and N New Mexico: a part of the Rocky Mountains. Highest peak, 14,306 ft. (4360 m) …   From formal English to slang

  • San Juan Mountains — Das San Juan Gebirge ist eine zerklüftete Bergkette der Rocky Mountains. Es erstreckt sich vom nördlichen Teil des US Bundesstaates New Mexico auf mehr als 250 km Länge bogenförmig bis in den südwestlichen Teil von Colorado. Das Gebirge ist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • San Juan Mountains — a mountain range in SW Colorado and N New Mexico: a part of the Rocky Mountains. Highest peak, Uncompahgre Peak, 14,306 ft. (4360 m). * * * Segment of the southern Rocky Mountains, southwestern Colorado and northern New Mexico, U.S. The mountains …   Universalium

  • San Juan Mountains — noun a mountain range in southwestern Colorado that is part of the Rocky Mountains • Instance Hypernyms: ↑range, ↑mountain range, ↑range of mountains, ↑chain, ↑mountain chain, ↑chain of mountains • Part Holonyms: ↑Rockie …   Useful english dictionary

  • San Juan Mountains — geographical name mountains SW Colorado in the Rocky Mountains see Uncompahgre Peak …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • San Juan Mountains — plural noun a range of the Rocky Mountains in south western Colorado and northern New Mexico. Highest peak, Uncompahgre Peak, 4360 m …  

  • San Juan — is Spanish for Saint John. It can also be the short version of San Juan Bautista (John the Baptist).Miscellaneous uses* San Juan (beer), a beer brewed in the city of Pucallpa. * San Juan (game) by Andreas Seyfarth, a card game for two to four… …   Wikipedia

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