Imperial Standard Gallon

Imperial Standard Gallon

Imperial Standard Gallon, s. Gallon. 1905–1909.

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  • Imperial units — or the Imperial system is a collection of units, first defined in the British Weights and Measures Act of 1824 , later refined (until 1959) and reduced. The units were introduced in the United Kingdom and its colonies, including Commonwealth… …   Wikipedia

  • Gallon — Gallon, engl. Hohlmaß für trockne und flüssige Dinge, = 4 Quarts zu 2 Pints. Das Imperial Standard G. stellt laut Parlamentsakte vom 17. Juni 1824 den Raum dar, den 10 Pfd. avdp. destillierten Wassers bei 30 Zoll Barometerstand und 162/3°… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Gallon — The gallon is a measure of volume. Historically it has had many different definitions, but there are three definitions in current use. There is the imperial gallon (≈ 4.546 l) which is used in the United Kingdom[1] and is in semi… …   Wikipedia

  • gallon — A measure of U.S. liquid capacity containing 4 quarts, 231 cu. in., or 8.3293 pounds of distilled water at 20°C; it is the equivalent of 3.785412 L. The British imperial g. contains 277.4194 cu. in. [O.Fr. galon] * * * gal·lon gal ən n 1) a U.S.… …   Medical dictionary

  • gallon — /gal euhn/, n. a common unit of capacity in English speaking countries, equal to four quarts, the U.S. standard gallon being equal to 231 cubic inches (3.7853 liters), and the British imperial gallon to 277.42 cubic inches (4.546 liters). Abbr.:… …   Universalium

  • gallon — A liquid measure containing 231 cubic inches, or four quarts; the standard gallon of the United States. The imperial gallon contains about 277, and the ale gallon 282, cubic inches. The metric equivalent is 3.785 liters …   Black's law dictionary

  • gallon — A liquid measure containing 231 cubic inches, or four quarts; the standard gallon of the United States. The imperial gallon contains about 277, and the ale gallon 282, cubic inches. The metric equivalent is 3.785 liters …   Black's law dictionary

  • gallon — gal•lon [[t]ˈgæl ən[/t]] n. wam a common unit of capacity in English speaking countries, equal to four quarts, the U.S. standard gallon being equal to 231 cubic inches (3.7853 liters), and the British imperial gallon to 277.42 cubic inches (4.546 …   From formal English to slang

  • imperial gallon — n. the standard British gallon, equal to 4.546 liters or about 11/ 5 U.S. gallons …   English World dictionary

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