

Toccāta (ital., von toccar, mit den Fingern berühren), Tonstück für Tasteninstrumente (Orgel, Klavier). Die ältesten Tokkaten für Orgel sind die der beiden Gabrieli (1593) und des C. Merulo (1604). Dieselben haben keine feste Form, sondern wechseln bunt zwischen akkordischer Partie und Läufermaß. Neuerdings hat man den Namen T. für vollgriffig gesetzte Etüden gebraucht (Czerny, Schumann). 1905–1909.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

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  • toccata — (n.) 1724, from It. toccata, from toccare to touch. A composition for keyboard instrument, intended to exhibit the touch and technique of the performer, and having the air of an improvisation …   Etymology dictionary

  • Toccata — Toc*ca ta, n. [It., fr. toccare to touch. See {Touch}.] (Mus.) An old form of piece for the organ or harpsichord, somewhat in the free and brilliant style of the prelude, fantasia, or capriccio. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • toccata — s.f. [part. pass. femm. di toccare ]. 1. [il toccare una volta o leggermente] ▶◀ tastata, tocco. ‖ palpata. 2. (pop.) [lieve insulto cardiaco] ▶◀ attacco, (pop.) bottarella, (pop.) colpetto, colpo …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • toccata — (izg. tokàta) ž DEFINICIJA glazb. kraća skladba za klavir, orgulje ili drugi klasični instrument s tipkama, najčešće u brzom tempu ETIMOLOGIJA tal. toccare: dodirnuti …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • toccata — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}[wym. tokata] {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż Ia, CMc. toccataacie, muz. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} kompozycja muzyczna o charakterze improwizacyjnym, wirtuozowskim, z zastosowaniem na przemian partii akordowych i szybkich pasaży,… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • toccata — ► NOUN ▪ a musical composition for a keyboard instrument designed to exhibit the performer s touch and technique. ORIGIN Italian, touched …   English terms dictionary

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