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Schipperke — Schipperke … Wikipédia en Français
Schipperke — FCI Standard Nr. 83 Gruppe 1: Hütehunde und Treibhunde (o … Deutsch Wikipedia
Schipperke — Nombres alternativos Spitzke (until 1888) Spits(until 1888) Spitske(until 1888) … Wikipedia Español
schipperke — [ ʃipɛrk ] adj. et n. m. • 1910; mot flamand « petit batelier »; cf. angl. shipper, ce chien étant fréquemment celui des bateliers, en Flandres ♦ Chien schipperke ou un schipperke : chien de petite taille, à poil noir, dépourvu de queue.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
schipperke — [skip′ər kē΄] n. [Fl, little skipper, dim. of schipper (see SKIPPER2): from earlier use of breed as watchdogs on canalboats] any of a breed of small dog with a dense, black coat forming a ruff about the neck, a foxlike head, and erect ears:… … English World dictionary
Schipperke — Infobox Dogbreed akcgroup = Non sporting akcstd = altname = Spitzke (until 1888) Spits(until 1888) Spitske(until 1888) ankcgroup = Group 7 (Non sporting) ankcstd =… … Wikipedia
schipperke — /skip euhr kee, keuh/, n. one of a Belgian breed of small dogs having erect ears and a thick, black coat, originally used as a watchdog on boats in the Netherlands and Belgium. [1885 90; < dial. D: little boatman, equiv. to schipper SKIPPER1 + ke … Universalium
schipperke — Raza canina, originaria de Flandes, que se usó para vigilar barcazas. El schipperke ( pequeño capitán) desciende del Leauvenaar, que también dio origen al perro ovejero belga. Es un perro corto, rechoncho y rabón, con un pelaje negro tupido y… … Enciclopedia Universal
schipperke — noun Etymology: Flemish, diminutive of schipper skipper; from its use as a watchdog on boats more at skipper Date: 1887 any of a Belgian breed of small stocky black tailless dogs with foxy head and heavy coat … New Collegiate Dictionary
schipperke — noun A small breed of dog developed in Belgium, sometimes used as a watchdog on boats … Wiktionary