Ros solis
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ros solis — … Useful english dictionary
Ros [1] — Ros (lat.), 1) Thau (s.d.); als Personificirung Sohn des Aër u. der Luna; 2) (Phys.), der Reif; 3) (Bot.), so v.w. Pruina 2); 4) R. solis (Sonnenthau), die Pflanze Drosera rotundiflora … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
rosa-solis — /rō zä sōˈlis/ (obsolete) noun 1. The sundew 2. A cordial, orig flavoured with sundew juice, afterwards with various spices ORIGIN: Orig L rōs sōlis dew of the sun, altered to rosa rose … Useful english dictionary
rosa solis — /roh zeuh soh lis/, pl. rosa solises. sundew. [1555 65; < NL, alter. (by influence of L rosa rose) of L ros solis dew of the sun] * * * … Universalium
rosa solis — ˌrōzəˈsōlə̇s noun (plural rosa solises) Etymology: New Latin, alteration (influenced by Latin rosa rose) of Medieval Latin ros solis more at rosolio : a cordial flavored with juice from the sundew or other herbs and spices … Useful english dictionary
rossolis — 1. rossolis [ rɔsɔli ] n. m. • 1669; lat. médiév. ros solis « rosée du soleil » ♦ Bot. ⇒ droséra. rossolis 2. rossolis [ rɔsɔli ] n. m. • 1655; de 1. rossolis, de l it. rosolio ♦ Anciennt Ratafia de roses et de fleurs d oranger fabriqué surtout… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Drosĕra — (D. L.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Droseraceae, 5. Kl. 5. Ordn. L., mit tieffünfspaltigem Kelche, 5 Blumenblättern, 5 Staubgefäßen, 3–5 zweitheiligen Griffeln, einer einfächerigen, an der Spitze 3–5 klappigen Kapsel mit wandständigen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sundew — [sun′do͞o΄, sun′dyo͞o΄] n. [transl. of ML ros solis < L ros, dew (see RACE1) + solis, gen. of sol,SUN1] DROSERA adj. designating a family (Droseraceae, order Nepenthales) of dicotyledonous plants, including the Venus flytrap … English World dictionary
ro|so|lio — «roh ZOHL yoh», noun. a cordial made especially from raisins, popular in southern Europe. ╂[< Italian rosolio < Medieval Latin ros solis sundew, a plant; also, a liqueur < Latin rōs, rōris dew, sōl, sōlis sun] … Useful english dictionary
sundew — /sun dooh , dyooh /, n. any of several small, carnivorous bog plants of the genus Drosera, having sticky hairs that trap insects. Also called dew plant, rosa solis. [1570 80; < D sondauw (cf. G Sonnentau), trans. of L ros solis dew of the sun] *… … Universalium