

Neurilemma (griech.), Nervenscheide, s. Nerven, S. 522. 1905–1909.

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  • Neurilemma — Neu ri*lem ma, n. [NL., from Gr. ney^ron nerve + ? peel, skin.] (Anat.) (a) The delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber; the primitive sheath. (b) The perineurium. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Neurilemma — (grch.), die Bindegewebsscheide der Nervenfasern (s. Nerven) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • neurilemma — [noor΄ə lem′ə, nyoor΄lem′ə] n. [ModL, altered (infl. by Gr lemma, skin, peel) < neurilema < Gr neuron, NERVE + eilēma, a covering < eilyein, to wind, wrap: see WALK] the thin outer sheath covering a nerve fiber …   English World dictionary

  • neurilemma — A cell that enfolds one or more axons of the peripheral nervous system; in myelinated fibers its plasma membrane forms the lamellae of myelin. SYN: neurolemma, sheath of Schwann. [neuri + G. lemma, husk] * * * neu·ri·lem·ma .n( …   Medical dictionary

  • neurilemma — neurolemma; n. the sheath of the axon of a nerve fibre. The neurilemma of a medullated fibre contains myelin laid down by Schwann cells. Derivatives: neurilemmal adj …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • neurilemma — noun Etymology: New Latin, from neur + Greek eilēma covering, coil, from eilein to wind; akin to Greek eilyein to wrap more at voluble Date: 1852 the plasma membrane surrounding a Schwann cell of a myelinated nerve fiber and separating layers of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • neurilemma — see Schwann cell …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • neurilemma — neurilemmal, neurilemmatic /noor euh leuh mat ik, nyoor /, neurilemmatous, adj. /noor euh lem euh, nyoor /, n. Anat. the delicate outermost membrane of the myelin sheath of a myelinated nerve cell. [1815 25; alter. of F névrilème ( < Gk neur NEUR …   Universalium

  • neurilemma — noun The outer membranous covering of a nerve fiber …   Wiktionary

  • Neurilemma — Neu|ri|lẹm|ma 〈n.; s, lẹm|men〉 = Neurolemma * * * Neu|ri|lẹmm, Neu|ri|lẹm|ma, das; s, [zu griech. neũron = Nerv u. griech. lémma = Rinde, Schale] (Med., Biol.): aus Bindegewebe bestehende Hülle der Nervenfasern …   Universal-Lexikon

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