- Lammermuir Hills
Lammermuir Hills (spr. lämmer-mjūr, Lammermoor), Höhenzug im südlichen Schottland, der teilweise die Grenze zwischen Haddington- und Berwickshire bildet und im Lammer Law 534 m erreicht.
http://www.zeno.org/Meyers-1905. 1905–1909.
Lammermuir Hills (spr. lämmer-mjūr, Lammermoor), Höhenzug im südlichen Schottland, der teilweise die Grenze zwischen Haddington- und Berwickshire bildet und im Lammer Law 534 m erreicht.
http://www.zeno.org/Meyers-1905. 1905–1909.
Lammermuir Hills — The Lammermuir Hills, usually simply called the Lammermuirs ( An Lomair Mòr in Gaelic) (occasionally anglicised Lammermoors), in southern Scotland, form a natural boundary between Lothian and the Scottish Borders. They span the areas of East… … Wikipedia
Lammermuir Hills — Sp Lãmermjūro kalvos Ap Lammermuir Hills L Jungtinėje Karalystėje (Škotijoje) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Lammermuir (1856 clipper) — Lammermuir , named for the Lammermuir Hills, was an extreme composite clipper ship that measured 178 0 ×34 0 ×22 0 and had tonnage 952 NRT. Built in 1856 by W. Pile Co of West Hartlepool for John Jock White Hat Willis Son, London, it was the… … Wikipedia
Lammermuir — or Lammermoor geographical name hills SE Scotland ESE of Edinburgh … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mountains and hills of Scotland — Scotland is the most mountainous country in the United Kingdom. The area north and west of the Highland Boundary Fault is known as the Highlands, and contains the country s main mountain ranges. Scotland s mountain ranges, in a rough north to… … Wikipedia
Lammermoor Hills — (Lammermuir), Gebirgszug in Schottland zwischen den Grafschaften Haddington u. Berwick, erstreckt sich westlich bis in die Grafschaft Edinburg; mittlere Kammhöhe 1509 Fuß; bildet die Wasserscheide zwischen Forth u. Tweed … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Ламмермур-Хилс — (Lammermuir Hills)Lammermuir Hills, гряда холмов в вост. Лотиане и по границе с Англией, юго вост. Шотландия, поднимающаяся до 533м у Майкл Сес Ло (Meikle Says Law) … Страны мира. Словарь
List of places in East Lothian — The List of places in East Lothian is a list for any town, village, hamlet, castle, golf course, historic house, hillfort, lighthouse, nature reserve, reservoir, river, and other place of interest in East Lothian, Scotland.A* Aberlady and… … Wikipedia
Eye Water — is a river in the Scottish Borders, it flows in a general SE direction from its source in the Lammermuir Hills to its estuary at Eyemouth on the east coast of Scotland, having a length of approximately 35 km. Ordnance Survey Explorer Map Sheet… … Wikipedia
Dunglass — is a location in East Lothian, Scotland, lying east of the Lammermuir Hills on the North Sea coast. It has a 15th century Dunglass Collegiate Church, now in the care of Historic Scotland. Dunglass is the birthplace of Sir James Hall, an 18th… … Wikipedia