

Kilmainham (spr. killmēnem, New K.), westliche Vorstadt von Dublin (s. d.), mit Invalidenhaus, Grafschaftshaus, Gefängnis und (1891) 6516 Einw. 1905–1909.

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  • Kilmainham — (Irish: Cill Mhaighneann, meaning St Maighnenn s church ) is a suburb of Dublin south of the River Liffey and west of the city centre, in the Dublin 8 postal district. Contents 1 History 2 Local attractions 3 …   Wikipedia

  • Kilmainham — Para otros usos de este término, véase Kilmainham (desambiguación). Interior de la prisión de Kilmainham Kilmainham (en Irlandés Cill Mhaighneann) es un suburbio de la ciudad de Dublín, situado al Sur del río Liffey y al Este del centro de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Kilmainham — 53°20.52′N 6°18.48′W / 53.342, 6.308 Kilmainham (Cill Mhaighneann en irlandais, signifiant église de St Maighnenn ) est un …   Wikipédia en Français

  • KILMAINHAM —    (5), a suburb of Dublin, with a royal hospital for disabled soldiers and a jail; the treaty of Kilmainham was an agreement said to have been made in 1882 between Gladstone and Parnell, who was then confined in Kilmainham jail, affecting Irish… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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  • Kilmainham Gaol — which is now a museum. It has been run since the mid 1980s by the Office of Public Works (O.P.W.), an Irish Government agency.Kilmainham Gaol has played an important part in Irish history, as many leaders of Irish rebellions were imprisoned and… …   Wikipedia

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  • Kilmainham Gaol — Prison de Kilmainham Cour intérieure victorienne …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kilmainham Treaty — The Kilmainham Treaty was an agreement between the British government under William Ewart Gladstone and the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell. It was seen as a major triumph for Irish nationalism as they managed to get reform from… …   Wikipedia

  • Kilmainham (desambiguación) — El término Kilmainham se puede referir a: Kilmainham, un barrio de la ciudad de Dublín, en Irlanda. Kilmainham Gaol, cárcel de Dublín. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de …   Wikipedia Español

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