

Dehiscentĭa (lat.), das Aufspringen der Kapselfrüchte (vgl. Frucht). 1905–1909.

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  • dehiscence — dehiscent, adj. /di his euhns/, n. 1. Biol. the release of materials by the splitting open of an organ or tissue. 2. Bot. the natural bursting open of capsules, fruits, anthers, etc., for the discharge of their contents. 3. Surg. the bursting… …   Universalium

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  • dehiscence — 1828, from Mod.L. dehiscentia, from dehiscentem (nom. dehiscens), prp. of dehiscere to gape, open, split down (of the earth, etc.), from de (see DE (Cf. de )) + hiscere, inchoative of hiare to yawn (see YAWN (Cf. yawn)) …   Etymology dictionary

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