

Bushranger (spr. búschrēndscher), in Australien (insbesondere in den ehemaligen Verbrecherkolonien) üblicher Ausdruck für Straßenräuber, die im Bush, d. h. in den Weidedistrikten, ihr Wesen treiben; Buschklepper.

http://www.zeno.org/Meyers-1905. 1905–1909.

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  • Bushranger — Bush ran ger, n. One who roams, or hides, among the bushes; especially, in Australia, an escaped criminal living in the bush. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bushranger — [boosh′rān΄jər] n. [< BUSH1 (sense 4) + RANGER] 1. a person who lives in the bush; backwoodsman 2. in Australia, an outlaw living in the bush …   English World dictionary

  • Bushranger — William Strutt, Bushrangers on the St Kilda Road, 1887 Les Bushrangers, ou bush rangers, étaient des hors la loi du début de la colonisation de l Australie qui utilisaient leurs capacités à survivre dans le bush pour se cacher des autorités. On… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bushranger — Bushrangers, or bush rangers, were outlaws in the early years of the European settlement of Australia who had the survival skills necessary to use the Australian bush as a refuge to hide from the authorities. They were roughly analogous to… …   Wikipedia

  • Bushranger — Der Bushranger (oder Bushrangie) ist ein australischer Geländewagen mit Allradantrieb, der von den John E. Davis Motor Works hergestellt wird. Er basiert auf dem britischen Dakar 4x4, unterscheidet sich von diesem aber wesentlich, obwohl beide… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bushranger — bushranging, n. /boosh rayn jeuhr/, n. 1. a person who lives in the bush or woods. 2. Australian. a. a person who lives by robbing travelers and isolated homesteads in the bush. b. a person who drives a hard, and sometimes dishonest, bargain.… …   Universalium

  • bushranger — UK [ˈbʊʃˌreɪndʒə(r)] / US [ˈbʊʃˌreɪndʒər] noun [countable] Word forms bushranger : singular bushranger plural bushrangers Australian someone who used to live in the Australian bush and steal things from people who went there …   English dictionary

  • bushranger — /ˈbʊʃreɪndʒə / (say booshraynjuh) noun 1. a bandit or criminal in Australia in colonial times who hid in the bush and led a predatory life: *Starlight the cattle stealer, the mail robber, the bush ranger, whose name is notorious over the three… …  

  • bushranger — noun A roving bandit who lived in the bush. 1824: Mr Hovell lacks all the qualities befitting a bushranger mdash; in the Australian (newspaper?). Quoted in Sidney J. Baker, The Australian Language, second edition, 1966, chapter II section 2, page …   Wiktionary

  • Bushranger (disambiguation) — Bushranger may refer to: * Bushranger, outlaws who used the Australian bush to avoid capture * Victorian Bushrangers, an Australian cricket team * Bushrangers, an Australian rules football team in the AFLQ State Association * Bushranger (horse),… …   Wikipedia

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