Textus receptus

Textus receptus

Textus receptus (lat., »allgemein angenommener Text«) nennt man den in der Druckerei von Elzevir (s. d.) 1633 hergestellten Bibeltext.

http://www.zeno.org/Meyers-1905. 1905–1909.

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  • textus receptus — Latin for ‘the received text’ and applied to the 1550 Greek edition of the NT, largely the work of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1516). It was the text in general use until the 19th cent. and underlay the AV of 1611. However, the wealth of discoveries… …   Dictionary of the Bible

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  • textus receptus — noun Etymology: New Latin, literally, received text Date: 1851 the generally accepted text of a literary work (as the Greek New Testament) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • textus receptus — /tek steuhs ri sep teuhs/ a text of a work that is generally accepted as being genuine or original. [1855 60; < NL: received text] * * * …   Universalium

  • textus receptus — noun The succession of printed Greek texts of the New Testament which constituted the translation base for various early versions of the Bible in Western and Central Europe …   Wiktionary

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