Benedictionălis liber

Benedictionălis liber

Benedictionălis liber (Benedictionarium), im Mittelalter das Buch, das zum Gebrauch der Geistlichen der römischen Kirche die Formeln zum Segensprechen (benedictiones) enthält. 1905–1909.

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  • BENEDICTIO — in V. Testam. elevatis manibus fiebat, uti legimus Levit, c. 9. v. 22. Tum attollens Aharon manus suas versus populum benedixit eu. Et quidem Pontifex sollennem in modum in Templo, in anniversario sacro, expressa cum nuncupatione sacratissimi… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • benedictional — I. shənəl, shnəl noun ( s) Etymology: Medieval Latin benedictionale, from neuter of benedictionalis of a benediction (in benedictionalis liber book of benedictions), from Late Latin benediction , benedictio + Latin alis al : a book of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Benediction — (v. lat. Benedictĭo), die Einsegnung (s.d.), so B. der Äbte, der goldenen Rose (s. b.) etc. Die B. sacerdotālis ist die priesterliche Einsegnung der Ehe (s.u. Trauung), die B. beatĭca (Viaticum), die Einsegnung des zum Tod Kranken nach abgelegter …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Benedictional — These were service books containing the blessings given during mass and arranged according to use through the liturgical year They were known as Liber Benedictionum or Liber Benedictionalis. The 10c Benedictional of St Mthelwold is an esp. fine… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • Benedictionary — These were service books containing the blessings given during mass and arranged according to use through the liturgical year They were known as Liber Benedictionum or Liber Benedictionalis. The 10c Benedictional of St Mthelwold is an esp. fine… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

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