

Quango, afrikan. Fluß, s. Kuango.

http://www.zeno.org/Meyers-1905. 1905–1909.

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  • Quango — Quango, Fluß im Innern Südafrikas; entspringt etwa unter 11°20′ südlicher Breite; strömt[737] erst nordwärts, dann nordwestlich u. nimmt bei seiner Vereinigung mit dem Kasai den Namen Congo od. Zaïre an …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • quango — (n.) 1973, acronym for quasi non governmental organization (itself attested from 1967) …   Etymology dictionary

  • quango — ► NOUN (pl. quangos) Brit., chiefly derogatory ▪ a semi public administrative body with financial support from and senior appointments made by the government. ORIGIN acronym from quasi (or quasi autonomous) non governmental organization …   English terms dictionary

  • quango — [kwaŋ′gō] n. [qu(asi )a(utonomous) n(on)g(overnmental) o(rganization)] Chiefly Brit. a public advisory and administrative organization, as a board, composed of private citizens appointed by the government which provides funds for operation …   English World dictionary

  • Quango — The acronyms Qango and Quango, variously spelt out as QUAsi Non Governmental Organization, QUasi Autonomous Non Governmental Organization, and QUasi Autonomous National Government Organization, have been used, notably in the United Kingdom, but… …   Wikipedia

  • quango — [[t]kwæ̱ŋgoʊ[/t]] quangos N COUNT In Britain, a quango is a committee which is appointed by the government but works independently. A quango has responsibility for a particular area of activity, for example the giving of government grants to arts …   English dictionary

  • quango — UK [ˈkwæŋɡəʊ] / US [ˈkwæŋɡoʊ] noun [countable] Word forms quango : singular quango plural quangos quasi autonomous non governmental organization: an organization in the UK that is separate from the government but has responsibilities similar to… …   English dictionary

  • Quango — Autorité administrative indépendante Une autorité administrative indépendante (AAI), autorité régulatrice ou quango en anglais (pour quasi non governmental organisation [1]) est un organisme étatique plus ou moins indépendant du pouvoir exécutif …   Wikipédia en Français

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